Hello David and Rick!
I was just sitting here thinking… I have never been in ministry before where ONEness in the Holy Spirit permeates as much as I experience with you guys at Winters Park each and every week. It seems that no matter what is going on, love covers a multitude of sins--all the imperfections that each of us have is covered with the blood of the Lamb, and His love and forgiveness creates total acceptance. Those people know we love them--just the way they are, and they shall know that we are His disciples by the way we love one another. We really have a Good thing going there, and I continue to be amazed, but I think it is the ONEness in His Spirit that brings such delight to my heart. I know I am trying to put God into words here as I always am trying to explain things and come to conclusions in my own mind and really there is no way to confine Him to words but I sure like trying and it thrills my soul over and over and over again to be serving Him with you. I just wanted to share these thoughts with you. I cannot contain myself sometimes. My kids think I'm crazy. Mom, how can you be so excited about old people?! If they only knew!
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