Monday, August 06, 2007

Sweet Hattie

Last Monday we lost a very special friend at Winters Park, Hattie Dockery. She was a sweet Godly woman full of wisdom and love and didn't keep it to herself. Hattie was a mentor to me, she shared wonderful words of Godly wisdom and I've taken them to heart. I will miss Hattie, church won't be the same without her beautiful voice, she taught us a lot about worship! The great thing is that she is with our Father and I hope that it's such a place in heaven that she has the opportunity to meet my parents and bless them as well!! I thank God for His great grace and love to have put such a blessing as Hattie in my life for the last couple of years, it was truly a gift! Alhough Hattie was a mentor I think the best thing was that she was my friend! :) D

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

He Can!

If God is for us who can be against us!
I think I believe this again.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Last Saturday we had a cook-out for WP residents at the Mission apartments right behind the nursing home. We had a blast! It gave us an opportunity to get some of the residents out of the nursing home, some haven't left there in over 2 years. One of our dear friends simply cried with joy as Rick wheeled him through the apt complex to the patio where we were cooking. Once again, God provided everything that we needed. The weather was perfect, we had exactly enough volunteers to have a 1-1 ratio between volunteer and resident, plenty of food, music, fellowship and fun. It was good to hang out with our family in a setting outside of Winters Park. Thanks to everyone who helped make this a beautiful day for all of us. We will not soon forget the joy of this day!! We began prayer walking at the apts several weeks ago and have had The Church at Winters Park praying for all the people that live there, it was great to be able to make their prayers more personal by taking them there. These prayer warriors are going to Reach Garland with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


Monday, April 23, 2007


I never cease to be amazed at how I receive more than I give at Winters Park. These folks have become our family and they take care of us and love us like we are their very own. A couple of weeks ago I was having a very difficult time, very depressed and down. I showed up knowing that I had to have a message to share but my heart was still struggling with the events of the prior week. Without any prompting, the folks at WP began sharing how much they love us and what we mean to them. They told me how much they appreciated me bringing the Word of God to them every week and that if we didn't come nobody would. At the end of services I stepped down from the front and was stopped by several residents that felt the need to tell me how much they love me and hugged my neck. I believe that it is this kind of love that is going to change our community and reach Garland with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At WP I simply get to be who I am, all of my faults and deficiencies, and still be loved unconditionally.