Sunday, October 01, 2006

Great Day at WP

This was a great day, Dora is back and doing very well. The attitude there was one of faith and confidence in the Lord. Dora has been in and out of the hospital recently and we haven't been able to visit with her much, we have all missed her greatly. She has such a sweet spirit and loves th Lord so much, it just rubs off on you! Today she asked me to pray for her and as I asked her what specific problems she was having, I'm thinking physical, she said that she wanted me to pray that her heart was right with God. Wow! With all of her physical problems right now she is still focused on honoring God with her life. I continue to be strengthened through the lives at WP, the faith and love is something that they are teaching me in a way that I've never known. I love Dora and all the residents there and I love how God has put us all together as a family and how He is using them more than He is using us. God is so good!!! D

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