Monday, August 08, 2005

Moved to Tears

Words cannot describe the incredible blessing that God pours out on us every time we go to Winters Park Nursing Home.

I met Anne Carpenter this week, she's 88 yrs old and had taught Sunday School for 60 yrs of her life, that's right sixty years!!! She shared with us that she was only there for a couple of weeks for a particular type of rehab they offer and would then be moving to another facility. She asked that we pray for her because the staff (I suppose) of the next facility wants her to start and lead a Sunday School when she arrives and she was afraid that she just couldn't do it any more.

I was moved to tears as I stood in the presence of this Godly woman, amazed that God had given me another unexpected gift: to meet this Godly woman and have the opportunity to pray with her.

I could go on but I won't. Come experience for yourself the beauty of these "forgotten ones", you will never be the same again.

We love you all very much and miss you! I pray that the Lord will bring us together soon.


Lori and David Moore

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