Tomorrow we will be beginning a new series about living "inside-out". This is not my original idea but it has been at the forefront of my walk with God for some time now and I would like to share this with as many people as possible. I'm using Tim Stevenson's book "Living inside out" as my outline but I have many thoughts on this as well. I've met so many people that don't seem to have an exciting Christian life and can't seem to make "it" work, but as Tim puts it, "It doesn't work but He always does. We're going back to the basics and hoping that some people, including myself, will find a fresh and exhilarating experience with God as we continue to fall in love with our Saviour. Major Ian Thomas has described the Christian life in a nutshell, "Jesus Christ gave His life for you, so that He could give His life to you, so that He could live His life through you. This and only this is genuine biblical Christianity - Living inside out." I can't wait to see how God uses this to touch all of our lives. The photo is from Easter Sunday, we had a great time of worship, come visit some time!
Peace! David